I am not such a huge enthusiast of the much-talked about superfood. The probable cause may be: there tends to be an expensive price tag and lots of hype for a product which, may or may not be of much taste or nutritional value. So, it restricted me to join the band-wagon of chia seeds. But, the inherent curiosity actually drive me to the better side of me. After brief research, I found it to be worthy enough to be praised and consumed which, actually promote a better lifestyle. Thus, it is the ideal choice to buy chia seeds for consuming a wholesome meal because of high nutritional content.
They serve you a nutritional punch
Well, the best thing to know about its high nutritional content is to have a look on back of the chia seed pack. These are rich in fat, protein and dietary fibre. Moreover, there is a stack of minerals including magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
They are rich in fibre
About 20% of fiber content is soluble. Soluble fiber aids in pro motive an active digestive system by feeding good micro organisms present in your gut.
They absorb a substantial amount of water
Well, it actually means they will bulk up which, will help you to feel full for a longer period. Even if, you are not sufficient amount of water, make sure to consume of high water content so, that you can stay well hydrated.
They come with a distinct texture
The seeds aren’t much dissimilar to the poppy seeds. However, after water is being added to it, it becomes totally different. Oozy or slimy is possibly the best thing which we can say for describing it. So, that is something surely unique about this superfood.
They can be considered as an excellent low carb breakfast
Nowadays, many people prefer this item over the bircher-style muesli cooked oats. You can use ¼ cup of chia seeds and ¾ cup of coconut milk, milk or almond milk for making a perfect breakfast dish. You can even add some slices of apple to it for enhancing the taste.
They are high in Omega-3s
Now, when you don’t have much liking towards fish, chia seeds can be the perfect alternative you have been looking for. Alike the omega-3s present in flax seeds, chia seeds are also a rich source of these acids. On an advisable note, it is best to consume the ground chia seeds for making it easy for the body to digest it.
Thus, the ones with a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle must buy chia seeds as this food item comes with a plethora of goody things, which is extremely beneficial for human body.