Showing posts with label organic hulled hemp seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organic hulled hemp seeds. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hemp seeds, cultivated from ages for its oil and fiber, are now a part of the diet in many regions across the world for its complete nutritional profile along rendering multiple of health benefits. Mostly called as superfoods or hemp hearts, these dark brown tiny and nutty seeds are recommended for its benefits by the physicians and nutritionists. Here’s are the proven scientific facts explaining why hemp are exceptionally popular as a food ingredient that contributes to the well-being of individuals.

High in Fatty Acids
Hemp seeds, being major oilseeds is exceptionally rich in essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6, named as linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids. Surprisingly, the ratio of both fatty acids content in hemp is surprisingly the optimal amount of fatty acids, needed for a healthy person. These fatty acids benefit you by enhancing cell growth, eliminating skin problems and regulating body immune.

Brings goodness for Heart health
Having a perfect balance of fatty acids, hemp seeds proved to have a heart protective effect. They reduces platelet aggregation, breaks down the level of bad cholesterol and amino acids and helps in lowering the blood pressure level. The fat profile of hemp seeds has been proved to prevent adverse heart conditions such as protection against clot-induced strokes, or myocardial attacks.

Reduces Inflammation
Hemp seeds are credited for preventing inflammations because of its omega 6 fatty substance called gamma linolenic acid. Needless to say, reduced inflammation can relieve those having arthritis, strains on joints or muscle pains.

Excellent source of digestion
Hemp seeds the complete source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, leading to better digestive system. With plenty of fiber, its shells propagate the flow of food and waste through the digestive tract.

Aids in weight-loss
Hemp seeds come as a natural appetizing food that prevents weight gain. Being full in nutrients, and rich in fats and proteins, it gives a sense of satiety and curbs hungriness for a long time once consumed.

Enhances skin and hair health
Hemp seeds are seen to enhance different clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis and improve both hair and skin health. Studies revealed that skin benefits of hemp are due to the plentiful yet abundant supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the seeds.

Boosts Body Immune
Containing omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, hemp plays a critical role in boosting up body immunity. These fatty acids help in preventing different autoimmune diseases by gene regulating, producing cytokines and antioxidant enzymes.

Organic Hulled Hemp seeds
Adhering to these benefits, hemp seeds are no doubt becoming an inevitable part of people's diet nowadays, Being said to be an absolute source of vitamins and minerals, they benefit one’s health tremendously, like any superfood. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the site of Natural Products Azteca, a premier online store of natural health and food products and buy hemp seeds in Australia now.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Seeds are the power foods of nature which are smaller in size, but highly enriched with nutrition. Adding them to your everyday meals is certainly a cinch. You will find a variety of popular seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds available in the health food stores, be it online or in local markets. This trio of seeds provides a myriad of health benefits, of which the most valuable are Omega 3 fatty acids. Consumption of these seeds are not just limited to plant-based diets, but every other person, who is eager to improve their daily intake of nutrients can consume them.

Chia seeds
Chia Seeds Weight loss

These seeds are heralded by nutritionists across the world as a perfect alternative of fish oil for the vegans because of its rich Omega 3 fatty acid content. These have more number of healthy fats compared to salmon. Omega fatty acids aids in improving the health of your heart and also regulating the cholesterol level, thereby proving to be helpful in shedding weight. Furthermore, the gel that forms around the seed makes you feel full for longer hours.

White Quinoa

Quinoa is considered to be the cornerstone of traditional harvest products. Known as the ‘mother grain’ amongst Bolivians, Quinoa serve as one of the most plant-based sources, which tastes damn good. Being a complete protein source, it offers all the 9 necessary amino acids for good health. Amino acids promotes stronger muscles, keeping the immune system in proper shape, thereby keeping our bodies healthy.

Hemp seeds
Organic Hulled Hemp Seeds

These are a great food for vegans, as they are mostly packed with easy-digestible proteins, thereby containing all the 10 necessary amino acids. Thus, they are one of the rare plant-based foods which, offer complete protein. These seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, especially special type of omega-6 fatty acids, which is not as such present in any other food. These seeds come with a nutty, mild flavor. With other seeds, they taste good both with cold or hot cereals, soups, smoothies or can be just sprinkled on casseroles, salads, cooked grains or noodle dishes. Moreover, hemp oil comes with a ‘grassy’ flavor that can offer almost the same extent of benefits alike olive oil.

Thus, the next time you are looking for some highly-nutritious foods to add to your daily regimen, try for these three enriched natural weight loss products. Being listed among the top superfoods, these items come with a myriad of health benefits which, further aids in improving your lifestyle.

Author Bio : Maria is a nutritionist and loves to write about different types of natural weight loss products, which serve enormous health benefits, thereby helping people to shed their excessive weight.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Organic Hulled Hemp Seeds

According to history that has been unearthed till date, evidence for application of hemp dates back to 8,000 BC. thus, it is one of the oldest crops that early man learnt to sow, grow, and harvest. It has a widespread industrial application ranging from paper, food and beverage, plastic, petroleum  to textile industry and others. Even in the recent times, the craze for hemp seeds for weight loss is attaining increasing popularity everyday. But, as such, what actually is it?

An introduction

Cannabis plant is available in innumerable different varieties. Hemp, also referred to as industrial hemp, is one such category. Interestingly both this variety and marijuana come from the same species of cannabis. Although, they vary in use, chemical composition, and cultivation methods.

Hemp can do a lot of things but unlike cannabis it cannot make one feel ‘high’. This is because, it is non-psychoactive as it contains less than 1% THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. Thus, unlike cannabis, no one has been able to get on cloud number nine by smoking this herbal product.  


Hemp is cultivated as a renewable source for raw materials, which can be fused into thousands of different products. The flowers and seeds of the plant are used in health foods and manufacturing organic body care items. On a Contrary note, the fiber and the stalk are used in textile, construction, paper, bio fuel, plastic and other industrial domains.

Cultivation and alternate use

Cultivating hemp is easier, as it requires lesser volume of water and practically, no pesticides. It is more environment-friendly than most of the major food crops. It is a lucrative rotation crop for the farming community. As the plant grows, it adds the necessary Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to the soil, making it more fertile and suitable for future cultivation. The plant is also helpful in checking soil erosion.

Apart from the benefits mentioned here, seeds of the plant are effective to fight obesity. The seeds contain something that pumps up metabolism of the body. Hemp seeds for weight loss is a significant factor for impressive popularity of the plant across the consumer society in the present days.


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Hi everyone! I am a writer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I love blogging, traveling, partying and making new friends. I am a fitness freak and currently am a mentor in a company that deals with health food. If you want to connect with me, just drop me a line..

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