Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tea is one of the most popular beverages all over the world. It is obtained from plants; however, the processing of the tea leaves plays a vital role in imparting the flavor and the taste to the drink. These days, the craze for weight-loss tea in Australia has attained an all-time high. An increasing number of folks - cutting across age groups - are categorically opting for the variety of beverage. This ongoing trend can be attributed to the array of health benefits it provides.

Weight-loss tea is also referred to as green tea. It is made from the unfermented leaves of Camelia Sinesis - a particular variety of tea plant. Thus, the product possesses very little amount of tannin. This variety of tea leaves is grown across the Orient, including China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka, etc. Considering the huge commercial prospect of the product, now it is available in a number of flavors like lemon, mint, etc. 

The variety of tea contains adequate amount of fluoride substance. It has been used as medicine in the Oriental world across thousands of years. The leaves, after plucking, are heated fast either by steaming or dry cooking. This procedure helps to minimise oxidation. Thus, green tea turns out to be tasty as well as beneficial for health.

  • Green tea is an excellent option for resolving obesity. It contains a vital substance, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. This substance facilitates the burning of our body fat.
  • Moreover, the polyphenols present in it help to dissolve the triglycerides in our body. These triglycerides are formed mostly of sugar and fat.
  • In addition to the two components mentioned above, catechins present in the variety of tea leaves produce heat in the body, which proves helpful to burn out the calories. 
Thus, green tea provides an all-round solution to obesity, enabling us to lead a fitter and healthier life.

Moreover, it is an excellent option to stem the growth of cancer cells. Extensive research is going on these days on it to find out a way to cure the terminal disease. On sipping green tea regularly, people can prevent blood sugar.

Considering all these facts, it is obvious that demand for this weight-loss tea is rising as an exponential pace.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I am not such a huge enthusiast of the much-talked about superfood. The probable cause may be: there tends to be an expensive price tag and lots of hype for a product which, may or may not be of much taste or nutritional value. So, it restricted me to join the band-wagon of chia seeds. But, the inherent curiosity actually drive me to the better side of me. After brief research, I found it to be worthy enough to be praised and consumed which, actually promote a better lifestyle. Thus, it is the ideal choice to buy chia seeds for consuming a wholesome meal because of high nutritional content. 

They serve you a nutritional punch

Well, the best thing to know about its high nutritional content is to have a look on back of the chia seed pack. These are rich in fat, protein and dietary fibre. Moreover, there is a stack of minerals including magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

They are rich in fibre
About 20% of fiber content is soluble. Soluble fiber aids in pro motive an active digestive system by feeding good micro organisms present in your gut.

They absorb a substantial amount of water
Well, it actually means they will bulk up which, will help you to feel full for a longer period. Even if, you are not sufficient amount of water, make sure to consume of high water content so, that you can stay well hydrated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
They come with a distinct texture
The seeds aren’t much dissimilar to the poppy seeds. However, after water is being added to it, it becomes totally different. Oozy or slimy is possibly the best thing which we can say for describing it. So, that is something surely unique about this superfood.

They can be considered as an excellent low carb breakfast
Nowadays, many people prefer this item over the bircher-style muesli cooked oats. You can use ¼ cup of chia seeds and ¾ cup of coconut milk, milk or almond milk for making a perfect breakfast dish. You can even add some slices of apple to it for enhancing the taste.

They are high in Omega-3s
Now, when you don’t have much liking towards fish, chia seeds can be the perfect alternative you have been looking for. Alike the omega-3s present in flax seeds, chia seeds are also a rich source of these acids. On an advisable note, it is best to consume the ground chia seeds for making it easy for the body to digest it.

Thus, the ones with a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle must buy chia seeds as this food item comes with a plethora of goody things, which is extremely beneficial for human body.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Well, we have previously talked about the phenomenal health benefits of Quinoa. It’s not only serves as a complete protein, but also works as a rich source of vitamins, phytohormones, minerals and antioxidants, thereby proving to be a superior choice compared to plant foods. While compared to the cereal grasses like oats or wheat, quinoa comprises a higher portion of protein and fats. For all such reasons, white quinoa serves as an excellent backpacking food.

Backpacking with Quinoa
Previously, backpackers do not used to prefer packing Quinoa for their trail as it requires a time span of 15 minutes. However, with popularity, there is a list of various other choices.

Instant Quinoa
Using Instant Quinoa aids in saving stove fuel and preparation time. In case, you find quick-cook or instant Quinoa, then make sure that it is entirely cooked and not partially cooked or parboiled. Otherwise, it won’t reconstitute in hot water.

Sprouted Quinoa
If, you are not willing to purchase instant quinoa, then you can opt for normal uncooked quinoa available in store and sprout it. Since, quinoa is mainly a seed, it is actually ideal for sprouting. For sprouting quinoa, soak the organic seeds in cold night for an overnight and drain off the amount of excess water. This will result in softening the shell and breaking down, once it has sprouted. It can be eaten even at this stage or can be sprouted further by deploying the regular sprout process applied for other types of seeds.  Sprouting Quinoa aids in boosting the nutritional value.

These seeds come with a number of beneficial attributes including their monounsaturated fat, heart healthy and nutrient packed kernels. It is known as a complete source of protein, rich in manganese, calcium, fatty acids, gluten-free. Thus, adding White Quinoa to your daily regimen will truly aid you in enhancing your lifestyle, thereby making you more strong, active and fit. Being an easy-to-cook dish, it can be considered as an ideal backpacking food, which neither require much fuel nor much time to cook.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Organic Hulled Hemp Seeds

According to history that has been unearthed till date, evidence for application of hemp dates back to 8,000 BC. thus, it is one of the oldest crops that early man learnt to sow, grow, and harvest. It has a widespread industrial application ranging from paper, food and beverage, plastic, petroleum  to textile industry and others. Even in the recent times, the craze for hemp seeds for weight loss is attaining increasing popularity everyday. But, as such, what actually is it?

An introduction

Cannabis plant is available in innumerable different varieties. Hemp, also referred to as industrial hemp, is one such category. Interestingly both this variety and marijuana come from the same species of cannabis. Although, they vary in use, chemical composition, and cultivation methods.

Hemp can do a lot of things but unlike cannabis it cannot make one feel ‘high’. This is because, it is non-psychoactive as it contains less than 1% THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. Thus, unlike cannabis, no one has been able to get on cloud number nine by smoking this herbal product.  


Hemp is cultivated as a renewable source for raw materials, which can be fused into thousands of different products. The flowers and seeds of the plant are used in health foods and manufacturing organic body care items. On a Contrary note, the fiber and the stalk are used in textile, construction, paper, bio fuel, plastic and other industrial domains.

Cultivation and alternate use

Cultivating hemp is easier, as it requires lesser volume of water and practically, no pesticides. It is more environment-friendly than most of the major food crops. It is a lucrative rotation crop for the farming community. As the plant grows, it adds the necessary Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to the soil, making it more fertile and suitable for future cultivation. The plant is also helpful in checking soil erosion.

Apart from the benefits mentioned here, seeds of the plant are effective to fight obesity. The seeds contain something that pumps up metabolism of the body. Hemp seeds for weight loss is a significant factor for impressive popularity of the plant across the consumer society in the present days.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Being a food lover, I always love to try out new things and experiment by doing things differently while cooking. But this time, I was in search of something highly-nutritious and really healthy. Just few days back, I got to know about this whole concept of ‘superfood’ which, has become talk of the new era, especially for the mob of health-conscious people. Amazed by its plethora of goody aspects, it indulged me to learn more and more about the different types of superfoods. This was the time when I actually got aware of Organic Unroasted Cacao Powder.

Well, it’s true that chocolate is one of the most tempting things for which I crave for. But, sometime before, I got to know about the adverse effects of processed cocoa powder consumption and was pretty overwhelmed. So, I was really in search of a healthy solution which, could actually quench my intense thirst for chocolate. Discovering cacao powder actually served my purpose rightly. Thus, I added this rich nutritious ingredient to smoothies for making chocolate nana ice-cream and smoothies. Thereafter, what I savored was actually amazing. Inspired by this appealing taste, I tried further and added these to the homemade baked foods like brownies, cakes, cookies and the list continues. With gradual consumption, what I found is; It’s the ideal ‘chocolate not chocolate’ which can be added to various food preparations ranging from starters to desserts.

So, that’s all about its ability to serve the gastronomic craves.  But, what about the real purpose behind appraising it as a ‘superfood’. Well, here’s what I actually discovered.

  • Raw cacao powder consists of a myriad of mood stimulants- the ‘bliss’ chemical, anandamide, which helps in lifting your mood and one essential amino acid- arginine, which helps in relaxing the blood vessels.
  • It contains around 4 times the antioxidant power possessed by regular dark chocolate.
  • Because of the high content of magnesium, cacao can promote building of healthy bones, heart, thereby helping produce the senses of calmness.
  • This powder consists of an amino acid, Tryptophan, which helps in relaxing and get a good sleep.
  • Sulphur present in cacao powder helps in building beautiful and healthy skin and strong nails.

The list goes on and so, consuming this superfood, organic unroasted cacao powder surely serve as the super healthy option for us. Well, I believe this post will ignite the urge of those folks who haven’t tried this yet and will compel those to have more of this food item who have tried it for at least once.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Early man never had access to improved technology. Yet, he managed to survive in a world dominated by giant dinosaurs. How did he manage to live on while the gigantic creatures got extinct? As such, the mankind owes much to Mother Nature when it comes to narrating their survival story. The nature provided innumerable medicinal boons - like nopal cactus powder - to heal diseases and help man live healthy and normal. These gifts certainly provided an edge to the entire human society in outliving the fearsome beasts.

Here we will strictly limit our topic to the variety of cactus mentioned above. The cactus grows in plenty in Mexico. It is an important ingredient for the Spanish Mexican cuisine. The plant has been found to be a great source of

  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Antioxidants
  • Essential minerals and vitamins
According to medical practitioners the variety of cactus is highly effective in smooth functioning of our intestine. Additionally, it helps blood flow smoothly through the vessels. Medical research confirms, the plant boosts the level of insulin in the body. Thus, it is one of the most effective preventives for diabetes found in nature. Moreover, it is helpful to fight and cure the gruesome medical condition of hypoglycemia. In order to restrict the problem of overweight and obesity, doctors prescribe this remedial plant to patients cutting across age groups.

The variety of the medicinal plant is normally found to be green and oval in shape. However, it comes in different shapes. This depends on the variety of a given plant. The skin of this family of plants is usually found to be covered with thorns. Normally, these plants grow in extreme desert conditions having both warm and cold climates.

Above everything else, cactus plants belonging to the nopal genre helps to turn unproductive land to fertile and productive. However, it is relevant mentioning here that simply consuming nopal cactus powder on  a regular basis cannot be much helpful unless one cuts down on junk foods. Fast and fried foods increase toxin level in the body, which in turn contributes to unnecessary deposits of excess fat. In order to avail the optimum level of medicinal value present in the variety of cactus, one should restrict to a diet free from high-calorie foods and drinks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The little seed, that comes in white, black or dark brown colour is popularly known as chia seed, which has a high nutritional value. It comprises of manganese, calcium, phosphorus and healthy omega-3 fats. The black chia seeds can be easily eaten milled and whole. However, the flax seeds must be grounded before it is consumed for accessing the myriad of health benefits.
Both white and black chia seeds are good choices, however, you must be cautious regarding buying a good quality product. Following here are some health benefits of consuming chia seeds.

Combat diabetes

The seeds are a potential aid for type-2 diabetes, since it have the ability of slowing down digestion. A gelatinous coating used to develop over the chia seeds, especially when they are exposed to liquids. These can also minimize the level of blood sugar.

Stronger bones and teeth           

Serving of chia seeds constitutes of around 18% of the required daily intake of calcium. This in turn, lets you maintain oral health and bone, thereby preventing osteoporosis.

A richer source of fibre
Just one ounce of chia seeds comprise of around 11 gms of dietary fibre, which happens to be one third of the total recommended regular intake for adults. Adding chia seeds to your diet serves as an easy way for consuming a substantial amount of fibre and it is surely good for digestive health.

A rich source of manganese
Manganese is also quite important for health, which strengthens the bones and help your body to make use of other necessary nutrients like thiamin and biotin.

A rich source of phosphorus
Chia seeds contains a good amount of phosphorus, which helps in maintaining healthy teeth and bones. It also helps the body in synthesizing protein for growth and repair of tissues and cells.

Combat belly fat
These seeds host a stabilizing effect on the blood sugar level, which fights against the resistance power of insulin, that might be harmful for the overall health.

Protect the heart
Chia seeds help in improving the blood pressure level and also might increase the level of healthy cholesterol.

Black chia seeds serve as one excellent protein source, which are quite higher than most of the plant foods. The high protein content present in these seeds helps in reducing the appetite, thereby reducing the obsessive thoughts related to food.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Reaching the appropriate weight for body helps in improving almost every underlying aspect beneficial for your overall health. Thus, there has been an increase in demand for best weight loss supplements these days. However, while choosing the supplements, people mostly encounter various products which claim for decreasing the appetite, increasing metabolism, blocking fat absorption. But, those products consists of different types of nutrients, which might function adversely in the body.

Thus, the ideal is to have proper knowledge about the available options before you buy any kind of weight loss supplements because, not all products come with the same level of health benefits. These days, people are considering certain types of seeds as superfoods, which comes with plentiful of benefits to promote weight loss without any such adverse effects on your body.

Though most of us have heard about the significance of nuts for weight loss, but noticeably, from seeds also, you can derive a handful of benefits. While nuts are good for the health, yet some people find it pretty hard to digest and difficult enough to portion out. On the contrary, seeds mostly brim with minerals and fiber compared to nuts and owing to this fact, following here are 3 most powerful yet, little secrets of weight loss.
Hemp seeds

These seeds are extremely good for both better functioning of brain and weight loss as well. Noticeably, hemp seeds can deliver a double effect on your weight loss program. Firstly, only 3 tbsps of hemp seeds consist of nearly 12 gms of protein and omega 3 for burning excess fat present in the body. Moreover, they also promote alkalinity similar to the pumpkin seeds, thereby combating inflammation. These seeds are enriched sources of calming and energizing iron, magnesium for keeping the energy level high; lots of potassium and some zinc for beating bloat. Lastly, they are fully loaded with fiber that helps to control the level of blood sugar, thereby promoting regularity.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are widely accepted as a great product for weight loss. They are enriched with fiber, magnesium, omega 3 fats, iron and potassium and are comparatively lower in fat than other products for weight loss. Generally, 2 tbsps of chia seeds contain only 5 gm of fat, which is pretty low. Mostly, they consist of soluble fiber and thus, gels up with anything, which they are added to. You can add them in smoothies for savoring a better taste or can be added simply in almond milk for making chia pudding or can be even added to oatmeal.

Thus, these two seeds are considered as best weight loss supplements, both of which are enriched with goodness. Thus, if you are looking for an online store to purchase any of the two products, then visit the page of Natural Products Azteca, where you can find premium quality products at affordable prices.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I am not much of a tea drinker during any course of my life. However, I appreciate the craze and desire of tea enthusiasts to delve into the tempting aroma and refreshing taste of tea to re-energize themselves. I truly admire the promising health benefits of Organic Sencha Japanese Green Tea, which has gained wide acceptance across the world.

While talking with some of the knowledgeable fitness experts, I have come across some interesting facts of consuming tea, which is certainly worthy enough to share with you.

  • Consuming tea helps in lowering the risk relating to stroke and heart diseases.
  • It consists of natural compounds like polyphenols, which will protect you against cancer including those of GI tract, prostate, skin and breasts.
  • The tea polyphenols are also beneficial for strengthening bones, thereby protecting against fractures.
  • Caffeine and antioxidants named as catechins, which are found in oolong, green and white tea increase the level of metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss.
  • Moreover, it also facilitate improvement in mood and level of performance and concentration.

Is tea a unique healthy choice
Since, I am not as such a tea enthusiast, what struck my mind immediately is whether any other food can offer me the same level of boost. But, what I found was; tea is uniquely a rich source in context to healthful properties. Typically, tea consists of a plentiful of catechins, especially epicatechins that are considered as the responsible component for many implied health effects of it.

On a concluding note, make sure of the fact that; more amount of catechins will be present in the tea, if the tea leaves are not processed as such. Green tea comes with the most nutritional benefits, which are then followed by black tea and oolong.

It is not as such a good idea for resorting to additives for making the Organic Sencha Japanese Green tea palatable. If, you are with the plan of adding sweetened tea beverages available in the supermarkets to your tea, then it would certainly not be of much beneficial for you to consume. The sweetened tea beverages contains a substantial proportion of fat, calories and other ingredients, which leads the tea leaves to lost its original potential. All you can do is add a little amount of lemon or honey for taste, which will not lead you to compromise with purity of the tea.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Heralded by health experts, nutritionists and many other eminent health-conscious personalities, matcha tea certainly is not just green tea. It is the source of a myriad of health benefits and so, if you are not having it yet, then you are still behind the times. Start the program now and try for this stress-reducing, metabolism-improving, cholesterol-minimizing cancer fighter. 

This specially powdered green tea is being traditionally used in the various auspicious Japanese tea ceremonies, which dates back to a history of hundreds of years ago. Japanese take special care to cultivate the leaves under shade for increasing the level of chlorophyll content. Thus, the premium organic matcha tea is being properly handpicked, steamed and dried after which, it is finely grounded to a green powder. 


Being an age-long custom of the Japanese culture, it serves to be the premium quality tea available, which are preserved well because of their highly-beneficial properties.

Rich source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are the magical enzymes and nutrients, which are responsible for fighting with the adverse effect of UV rays, thereby preventing the possibility of many life-threatening maladies. Antioxidants are typically something, which health-conscious people mostly seek while consuming foods like green veggies, raw fruits and dark chocolate. However, surprisingly, just one bowl of matcha green tea provides near about 5 times the level of antioxidants provided by any other food item.

Boosting the level of energy and endurance

Eying on the Japanese history, the old noble warriors of Japan, Samurai, used to drank matcha tea before fighting any battle because of its great energizing properties. Though, all types of green tea comprises of caffeine, increased energy level from this special tea is because of the unique combo of various other nutrients. The raised endurance by consuming a bowl of this tea might last for around 6 hours. Moreover, because of the beneficial effects of L-Theanine, the Matcha consumers experience no such usual adverse-effects of stimulants like hypertension and nervousness.

Preventing the chances of cancer

Matcha tea are rich sources of catechins including EGC, EGCG, ECG, and EC, which are very effective to fight against cancer. Though it may seem quite outrageous that drinking something similar to green tea on regular note might lessen the health risks, but it’s much far-fetched. Typically, ECG and EGCG feature the capability of free radical scavenging. They are also being clinically proven for protecting the cells against substantial DNA damage, which is caused because of the reactive oxygen species.

While considering all the naturally rich sources of antioxidants, premium organic matcha green tea comprise of a greater proportion of catechin level.Thus, having matcha daily will work as a great aid in burning fat, workout recovery and encouraging strength at cellular level. Thus, if you are willing to augment tea’s power in your regular schedule, then it’s time for brewing up and having a hot, nice cup of matcha tea.



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Hi everyone! I am a writer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I love blogging, traveling, partying and making new friends. I am a fitness freak and currently am a mentor in a company that deals with health food. If you want to connect with me, just drop me a line..

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